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My Favorite Animals

1. Dogs

2. Dolphins

3. Cats

The Cutest Dogs




This is a maltese!


This is my favorite place to shop for my puppy!

February 4, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Calvin Coolege

  1. Calvin Coolidge – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. (July 4, 1872 – January 5, 1933) was the 30th President of the United States (1923–1929). A Republican lawyer from Vermont, 

  2. Calvin Coolidge Quotes – BrainyQuote

    Enjoy the best Calvin Coolidge Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Calvin Coolidge, American President, Born July 4, 1872. Share with your friends.

  3. Calvin Coolege Quotes

    Calvin Coolege quotes and related quotes about Calvin Coolege. New quotes on Calvin CoolegeCalvin Coolegesayings and topics related to Calvin Coolege.

  4. Calvin Coolege President Quotes

    Calvin Coolege President quotes and related quotes aboutCalvin Coolege President. New quotes on Calvin CoolegePresident, Calvin Coolege President 

  5. Pressing On Calvin Coolege Quotes

    Pressing On Calvin Coolege quotes and related quotes about Pressing On Calvin Coolege. New quotes on Pressing OnCalvin Coolege, Pressing On Calvin 

  6. Calvin Coolege Pressing On Quotes…/4/

    Calvin Coolege Pressing On quotes and related quotes aboutCalvin Coolege Pressing On. New quotes on Calvin CoolegePressing On, Calvin Coolege 

  7. President Calvin Coolidge

    Jan 14, 2013 – Fun facts and trivia about Calvin Coolidgeand the other US Presidents and First Ladies. Calvin Coolidge slept 10 hours a day.

  8. Calvin Coolege Holder…

    10 Records – James Calvin Holder, Calvin Coolege Holder James Calvin Holder, Calvin Coolege Holder John Calvin Holder, Calvin Coolege Holder 

  9. Calvin Coolidge | The White House

    Gives a portrait, short official biography, and “fun fact” about the 30th president.

  10. How do you spell calvin coolege? | ChaCha › Categories

    How do you spell calvin coolege? ChaCha Answer: Calvin Coolidge is proper spelling for our 30th president. He became president in 192…

January 30, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   3 Comments.

So many changes, so little time


So, one of the points that I found fascinating in “Promises and Perils of Digital History” is the fact that so much information can be found in just so little time. 10 years ago, most people did not even know what the internet was. If a college student 20 years ago needed sources for a paper that they had to write, they would have to get creative. We have the luxury of being able to type something into google and get the results that we need. Another interesting point about researching on the internet is that results can be found in all different forms, such as images, sounds, and moving videos/pictures. History is now portrayed and presented in all of these different forms and I believe that this makes people want to learn about it and engage in it more than they would have if they just had to sit there and read a textbook.

Three topics that I would be interested in researching and learning about this semester:

-How the digital world has changed the way we learn in school (on both the elementary level through college and graduate school).

-The digital world and politics

-Different ways that the digital world could be extremely dangerous to us as a country


January 29, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   No Comments.

Hello world!

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

January 28, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   4 Comments.

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